Watch this NOW FOR NOW video trailer, made to promote our 2016 BLAST Theatre Festival run and featuring footage recorded live during the July 2015 run at Z Space in San Francisco.
"The joy of this piece is reveling in its surprises, its patterns, its emotional and intellectual intelligence... Challenging, occasionally uncomfortable, very funny and quite moving... There’s intention and intelligence behind everything. Jackson and Trout are disarming to the degree that they make the show seem, if not easy, then very much of the moment and filled with the sparks of creation and discovery. Individually, Jackson and Trout are extraordinary. Together they are—wow."
"Intimate and as funny as it is penetrating... Delights the senses and tickles the brain as much as it leaves your head spinning... The building tensions converge in a shattering, expressive climax."
"Now for Now is peppered with intensely uncomfortable moments... The onlooker’s impulse is to wince or look away... The theater is often eerily quiet. It’s as if the audience is holding its breath, relieved by the occasional burst of laughter... Beautifully melancholy and often funny..."
Watch our Spring 2015 teaser for NOW FOR NOW, featuring footage from our January 2015 workshop and public sharing.
Mark Jackson (L) and Megan Trout (R). Photo by Tracy Martin.
Mark Jackson (L) and Megan Trout (R). Photo by Tracy Martin.
Mark Jackson (L) and Megan Trout (R). Photo by Tracy Martin.
Screen shot of work in development recorded during our January 2015 workshop.
Screen shot of work in development recorded during our January 2015 workshop.
Watch this video featuring behind the scenes, in-process work during our January 2015 workshop.
Rehearsal footage caught on iDevice cam!
Screen composite of a sequence in which the audience views the performance simultaneously live and via an iDevice camera.
A screen shot from rehearsal footage taken during our August 2014 workshop.
Watch this video featuring a brief history of the project, including clips from our development workshops, public sharings, and the July 2015 performances at Z Space.
NOW FOR NOW followed three possible relationships between a woman and man a generation apart—a daughter and father, a romance, a student and teacher—over 40 years. Their stories converged and diverged in dialogues, movement, IMs and Skypes. NOW FOR NOW explored uncomfortable, ugly, embarrassing issues about age and gender dynamics with both depth and humor. The show brought together elements of theater, dance, and technology in a unique, ambitious way for an intimate production large in thematic and emotional scope. Our most immediate intent was to change the audience's body temperatures around sensitive relationship issues, to compel them to question what triggers them and why—not as a challenge, more as an invitation. Our broader mission with NOW FOR NOW was to put physical, verbal, and digital expression in argument onstage to create a performance that encouraged more compassion in life for the messy relationships we all find ourselves in from time to time. Life is too short to squander on shame, fear, and judgment.
A great review in the San Francisco Chronicle – "Intimate and as funny as it is penetrating... Delights the senses and tickles the brain as much as it leaves your head spinning."
Another great review on – "Peppered with intensely uncomfortable moments... Beautifully melancholy and often funny..."
Great review #3 from Chad Jones at – "Challenging, occasionally uncomfortable, very funny and quite moving... There's intention and intelligence behind everything..."
An American Theatre magazine feature article about NOW FOR NOW.